How can my diet and dentist in keep my oral health in its best state?

How can my diet and dentist in keep my oral health in its best state?

Your diet may be one of the most important aspects of your life for multiple reasons, with one of the most significant reasons being that it can have an effect on almost all parts of your body. It is important to maintain a well-balanced diet with limited intake of sugars and starches in order to maintain good oral health and this should begin from the moment a baby begins to eat solid foods. A combination of a healthy diet and regular visits to your dentist in Havant can ensure your oral health remains at its best throughout your life and can prevent the development of many dental issues.

How can a healthy diet help my oral health?

Having a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium can strengthen your teeth and help to prevent oral health diseases such as cavities, gum disease, bad breath, and brittle teeth. Eating sugary foods and drinks can cause your teeth to undergo an acid attack for up to an hour; this is because sugars react with bacteria found in plaque to produce harmful acids that work to slowly erode the enamel of your teeth. It is therefore essential to avoid making it a habit to ingest foods and drinks rich in sugar so that you can limit the number of acidic occurrences your teeth go through. Prolonged exposure to acid, whether it be through sugary foods or through acidic foods and drinks can cause your teeth to become sensitive and unsightly as the acid causes your enamel to erode and expose the dentine found underneath.

How can my dentist help me avoid developing oral health issues?

In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, it is important that you have regular dental check-ups with your dentist in Havant as they can quickly detect any signs of dental issues and address them before they progress into something more serious. While you may be looking after your teeth at home by carrying out good cleaning techniques, your toothbrush at home may not be able to reach the more difficult parts of your mouth and each crevice of your teeth. However, your dentist will be able to give your teeth a thorough clean using the most advanced equipment, making your teeth look clean and feel healthy. Your dentist in Havant will also be able to advise you on what precautionary methods you should take in order to take the best care of your teeth and avoid having oral health problems in the future.

What steps can I take to prevent oral health issues?

There are a number of important steps you can take to ensure your oral health remains up to a good standard at home. It goes without saying that regularly brushing and rinsing your mouth using fluoride products will help eradicate bacteria and acid caused by the food you eat. Additionally, it is best to avoid snacking multiple times a day and to try to stick to three set meals a day so as to ensure you are limiting the exposure your teeth face to sugars and starches. If you need to snack on multiple occasions, it is best to brush your teeth after each snack to inhibit constant bacterial activity.

Certain foods are encouraged to eat plentifully as they promote strength by remineralising the enamel of your teeth; this includes foods and drinks rich in calcium such as cheese, nuts and milk. Here at Parkway Dental Care, we understand that you may suffer from an intolerance to lactose so other alternatives to this include green vegetables and fruits with a high water content.